Friday, December 14, 2007

Snow, Study, and New Things That Are Not Really New

We are in finals studying and paper writing time here in my neck of the collegiate world, and it is amazingly pleasant. Today I advertised my room as a place to write or study, and from the time I settled down at about 3:00 in the afternoon until this very moment, when I have knocked of but Boy and our friends have not, I have had pleasant, studious company here. Through most of the day, and all of last night, snow fell in small soft flakes, accumulating high enough to slip into the tops of ankle boots. The snow outside my windows made it that much more wonderfully cozy here in my study pit.

The denizens of the den of sin are not so much, today.

Last night, though, there was a little mini scene. A practice scene, if you will. Boy and I have been doing those: scenes which work pretty well, but don't really click, in which one or the other or both of us tries to pick up skills we have not used in a while. Recently Boy attempted his first honest-to-goodness Topping-and-Domming scene in recent memory. He tied me up in a few positions, did some stuff... it didn't really work, because I didn't remember how to give up control any better than he knew how to take it, but it wasn't unpleasant and it opened the door. We haven't done a proper scene with him in charge since, but the mood has changed. I have been able to trust that he can take care of me in a way I hadn't in a while.
To return to last night: it was simple. It was basic. Except for the Florentine flogging. That was exciting. I have been practicing it for quite a while, and this is the first time I had used it in a scene context. It worked just fine. And I got back into the mode of using toys, of hitting him, which he had needed.

We're exploring the use of safewords. Well, actually, what's happening is that Boy has discovered, or perhaps rediscovered, a love of begging and not getting. He discovered this first a long, long time ago, when our version of D/s was getting together to get each other off. This we always did by the tried and true Oral Sex method, and we got so that we could halt each other on the brink of orgasm. Over and over again. I remember the elated feeling the first time he begged me to come, and I remember the glorious light bulb that turned on in my head when he gently informed me that I didn't have to say Yes. He likes not to get what he wants. He likes, these days, to beg me to stop hurting him, and he likes it when that makes me hurt him more. For me, this is a little difficult, but I'm getting into it. It really does pull the power exchange out into the open. This boy lets me hit him, on my terms. I can wale on him just to get out my frustration with the day, till my arms are tired and his back is bruised and he's chanting "stopstopstopleasestop", and that'll leave him cuddling into my belly, thanking me profusely and grinning like a fool.
Once I get used to that, a girl could get used to that.

More updates as procrastination, and I'll leave you with a question I need answered:
I recently changed the title of this blog to reflect what I want it to be: a journal of my observations on life and my adventures with Boy (and his observations on such, should he choose to put them here). Also about kink, often and even mostly about kink, but not such that I should feel bad about posting the rest of the world in here, too. And yet, my URL remains eyehooksandleather ( We have since nabbed up the URL switchandboy (, which better reflects the blog, but I don't know if it'll be a pain for all of you to have to find your way to a new address. What if I loses my readership? I will DIE without my VAST and ADORING readership.

Seriously. To move or not to move? This is the question.


Blogger maymay said...

URLs are better left as abstractions, me thinks, because your readership should have blogrolled you and subscribed to your news feeds by now and should, ever, have to type in a URL to get to your blog again!

That said, I would not be opposed to the URL switch, since, as I have just mentioned, I will simply blogroll/subscribe you again. :)

Also, mmm…begging and not getting is soooo hot.

3:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have just found your blog and have, as Maymay said, linked your blog on mine so that have easy access without doing more than clicking.
I would do that again so that I could continue to read your blog.
Personally, I don't think your URL is as defining of your blog as what you write about it. You could call it Yellow Squash and I would still read it for the content. :)

5:42 PM  
Blogger Goose said...

so long as you let us know we'll be cool

8:30 PM  

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